Confirmation and Reception
Our presiding Bishop likes to describe The Episcopal Church as a "branch of the Jesus Movement." When you join Holy Communion, you belong to a movement bigger than just our parish. In Confirmation, a baptized Christian makes "a mature commitment to Christ. The Bishop signifies to us that becoming a member of the church is about joining a movement beyond just our own tradition.
Confirmation expresses not only a desire to live as an adult Christian, it also indicates a desire to do so in the Episcopal Church and the world-wide Anglican Communion.
Reception into the Episcopal Church
The rite of reception is available for those who have been baptized and confirmed by a bishop in another Christian church (Roman Catholic, Lutheran, or Eastern Orthodox for example), but who wish to formally recognize their new membership in the Episcopal Church. Receptions take place during confirmation services.
Reaffirmation of Faith
The service also makes room for those who wish to reaffirm their faith. A Christian may choose to reaffirm their faith in front of the bishop for many reasons, after a season of doubt or exploration or after a significant milestone in life.