More about giving…
“Every generous act of giving and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Creator who made
the heavenly lights, in whom there is no inconsistency or shifting shadow”
(James 1:17)
Holy Communion is extremely grateful for the contributions which its parishioners and friends have made during this year and in the past.
Giving is primarily a spiritual decision, reached after careful and prayerful thought—about feeling and showing joyful thanksgiving for God’s grace. Stewardship is a glad offering of a portion of our wealth to doing God’s work, knowing that we can give generously and not suffer want ourselves.
There are several ways to make donations:
How to Give
Gifts can be made in cash, by check, through securities or online. You can make a one time gift, or a recurring gift with our online giving tool.
Cash or check offerings
are a time honored way to give. Plates are passed each Sunday. Gifts can be made with cash or a check made payable to “Holy Communion.” Offerings made in honor or memory of a loved one or an event are welcomed. You can also mail a check to the parish office: 7401 Delmar Blvd. St Louis, MO 63130
is a decision to commit to a goal of giving a portion of our resources and sticking to it. A pledge is disciplined giving, a commitment with a purpose. It can be made by letter or email at any time, and of course through the annual pledge card mailed out in the fall. Those who pledge may receive offering envelopes by which they can give their donation spaced out over the year.
Capital giving
is giving that goes to meet capital expenditures that cannot be met through the normal annual parish budget. We like to say, "Capital giving builds spaces, annual giving fills them." You can read about our recently concluded "Next 150" Campaign by clicking here.
Planned giving
refers to giving decided now but realized later. Typically it is giving that is specified in a person’s will or through a trust contingent on a specified event. In order to frame the giving in the best way, you should contact the parish office as indicated below. In addition to gifts by cash and check, the Planned Giving section also discusses ways of giving appreciated securities, annuities, and distributions that can benefit both Holy Communion and the donor. Read more about planned giving.
Stock Gifts
Interested in maximizing tax savings and making a charitable contribution? Gifts of stock or appreciated securities enable you to help Holy Communion while receiving an income tax deduction. Stock gifts may also help you avoid paying capital gains or estate tax. Contact our office to complete a stock gift.
Tax information
The parish is listed as a 501(c)(3) institution under the US Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please send any donations to:
The Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion
7401 Delmar Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63130
For more information, contact the Director of Operations, in the Parish Office at 314-741-7201.