What is a vestry?
The vestry is the legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property (that is to say, the vestry functions like a non-profit board). Our vestry consists of nine members, elected by our annual meeting of the whole parish to staggered three year terms. Vestry members are usually elected at the annual parish meeting. The presiding officer of the vestry is the rector. There are two wardens. The senior warden leads the parish between rectors and is a support person for the rector. The junior warden has responsibility for church property and buildings. A treasurer and a secretary or clerk are elected by the vestry. These officers may or may not be vestry members. The basic responsibilities of the vestry are to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation; to support the church's mission by word and deed, to select the rector (in the case of a vacancy), to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances.
Vestry Officers
Fran Caradonna: Senior Warden
2024, First Term
Rudy Walz: Junior Warden
2024, First Term
Kellie McCoy: Treasurer
2023, First Term
Pat Redington: Secretary
Vestry Members
Tim Anderson
2024, First Term
Bob Lowes
2022, First Term
Heidi Volkl
2022, First Term
Andrew Wasson
2023, First Term
Rebecca Comas
2024, First Term
Colleen Haggerty
2024, First Term
Contact a Vestry Member
All our Vestry Member’s contact information is available to members through our Church Directory and App.
Vestry Minutes
2024 Minutes:
October 23, 2024
September 25, 2024
August 28, 2024
July 24, 2024
June 26, 2024
May 22, 2024
April 24, 2024
February 28, 2024
January 25, 2024
Past Years:
2023 Vestry Minutes
2022 Vestry Minutes
2021 Vestry Minutes
2020 Vestry Minutes
Vestry Appreciations
Most vestry meetings finish with a formal motion giving thanks for the work of a leader or ministry.
October 2024: Jordan Houry.
September 2024: Lucas Kerbs and Tyler Schwartz for their work on electronics and technology.
August 2024: Jim Kern, who is always helpful to the Treasurer, works hard and manages the books and works with the auditor.
July 2024: Butch Sterbenz and Burt Mayfield for their many years of service on the Robert Fund board.
June 2024: Jean Parker, who has been very active with the garden this year in addition to all her other work.
May 2024: Grace Gorski and Niquita Hohm for their Godly Play efforts.
April 2024: Andy Carpentier for his work on the flower beds.
February 2024: The Discernment Committee chairs
January 2024: Hannah Shanks in honor of her service to Holy Communion.
May 2023: Andrew Carpentier for the lovely spring planting of the parish flower gardens.
April 2023: The Rev. Hope Jernagen for her work with Rockwell House and fine Easter Vigil Sermon.
March 2023: For the service of David Luckes and Loretta Go as “seminarians” as they prepare for ordination to the permanent diaconate in June.
January 2023: Retiring officers of the Vestry Brian Barnhart and Pat Redington
December 2022: The Vestry Nominating Committee
October 2022: Sexton Barbara Wallace for her welcoming presence and hard work; Michael Salsich and Jacob Volkl for their repairs of the Gannon House.
September 2022: The Rev. Chester Hines, the Rev. Julie Graham
August 2022: Children’s Ministry Volunteers.
February 2022: the Rev. Julie Graham.
January 2022: Zack Hovland, for his work as sexton, with good wishes for his next steps.
December 2021: Shirley Mensah, for her work as Senior Warden and ongoing work with Beloved Community.
September 2021: All the leaders in the parish, and staff, who took charge during the Rector’s Sabbatical.
May 2021: Cristosal Volunteers for their extraordinary work supporting our relationship with El Salvador.
April 2021: Anne Pokoski, Jordan Houry and the Garden Volunteers & Mary Chapman, Andrew Carpentier, and Christian Davis: The parish garden and flower gardens are looking particularly fine this season, and it reflects well on the whole parish.
March 2021: Heidi Olliff & Clara Olliff for the tremendous work they have both done with Godly Play during the pandemic.
February 2021: The Rev. Beth Scriven for her service and partnership with Holy Communion while Chaplain at Rockwell House.
January 2021: Eliana Haig for her wonderful work with our children's pageant and the song, "Chatter with the Angels."