What to expect on a Sunday Morning?
At Holy Communion, we seek to adapt ancient liturgy for today. If you grew up in a less formal church, Holy Communion may feel pretty traditional. If you grew up in a formal church, our church may deconstruct that formality, and ask you to pray using more modern words, or sing in a language from the developing world. We seek to balance tradition and culture in our worship. When we hold the tension well between the ancient and the modern, liturgy comes alive.
Our church is a “flexible space” which means that at times the church is set up for everyone to face forward. At other times, we sit in the 3/4 round, gathered around the table.
We have two morning services. Both services include the Scripture readings for the day, a sermon, prayers and communion – the sharing of the blessed bread and wine. We call the service “Holy Eucharist,” but other churches may refer to it as “the Service of the Table” – “Mass” – “Holy Communion” or “The Lord’s Supper.” You can find the readings for each Sunday – which we call the Sunday Lectionary, on the calendar here. Each of our services has a distinct flavor, and everyone is always welcome! You can expect to be greeted by a friendly usher, who will give you a bulletin and answer any questions you may have.
8:00 a.m. Service
This is a small, peaceful, quiet service. There is no music, which adds to the meditative mood of the service. Our Rector (the Episcopal Church’s word for the head pastor) sometimes calls this service “The Lord’s Breakfast.” It usually ends around 8:45.
10:30 a.m. Service
This is our larger service, including a choir, instrumental music, and usually a size-able attendance. Music is led by the semi-professional Holy Communion choir. This service also invites kids out to children's chapel, while adults stay for the sermon. The service usually lasts between one hour to an hour and ten minutes.
How will you know what to do at the service?
If you’re not familiar with the Episcopal Church, don’t worry! Our Order of Service is a step-by-step guide printed for every Sunday service with each reading, tradition, song, and process. You’ll be able to follow along, and we hope you’ll find our worship joyful, beautiful and meaningful.
If you are familiar with the Episcopal Church, you will recognize the rhythms of our liturgy. As a parish we tend to use gender inclusive and expansive language services or selections from 1979 Prayer book that many Episcopalians know by heart.
You can read more about Episcopal worship here.
What about kids?
Holy Communion intentionally makes room for children. We say we like everyone to act their age. There are coloring sheets, crayons, and colored pencils available at the front entrance, and the back fo the church. If a child gets especially fussy, the chapel space (which is accessible through the back doors of the nave) is a soundproof quiet space during the service, with windows into the sanctuary and a live audio feed from inside the church. Our nursery is also available, across the lounge from the main door to the church. While we are still unable to staff the nursery, families are welcome to use the space for a quiet space to entertain kids, or to utilize the changing table.
8:00 a.m.
At the 8 a.m. service there are a few small kids, and they are warmly welcomed (even when they're boisterous or fussy).
10:30 a.m.
Most of our families attend the larger service. There is a “pray ground” area right at the front with soft toys, fidgets, cushions and books, many of which relate to the readings of the season. After the Gospel is read, children are invited to join the procession and they make their way into the lounge for children's chapel which lasts through the sermon and the prayers of the people. They return to their families at the Peace.
Live-streaming: The Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion holds the safety of our kids as our highest priority. We do not publish names of our children in social media or on our livestreams. We do recognize our kid’s ministry leadership by publishing names in the paper service leaflets when they serve. We love to post photos of our community, with permission. Unless they are featured leaders/readers, we try not to focus on kids faces on video. By attending a service advertised as “live streamed” you consent to have your image and that of your child broadcast. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the clergy.
Is Holy Communion accessible to people with disabilities?
We try hard to be accessible. We have two wheelchair accessible entrances with ADA door operators and an elevator between floors. One of the restrooms in the Parish Lounge (see Restrooms below) is wheelchair accessible and has an ADA door operator. We have designated seating in the church for folks with mobility limitations. We are also beginning to introduce soft items, fidgets, and alternative sitting areas for our neurodiverse members and visitors. (Right now you’ll find a rocking chair and fidgets in our chapel in the West aisle).
Three accessible parking spots are available on the sidewalk in front of the church on Sunday mornings. Additionally, a disabled drop-off is available on Jackson, in front of the office entrance. The exterior doors at Jackson and the main door on Delmar have push button access. There is a ramp to the main entrance, and an ADA compliant elevator onsite. Audio enhancement equipment is available at the Welcome Table in the Narthex. Feel free to ask an Usher for assistance.
There are gender non-specific single restrooms in the Parish Lounge, to the right as you enter the main door.. You can also find larger men's and women's restrooms downstairs which each have changing tables. (There's also a changing table in the nursery.) We ensure every bathroom on our campus is stocked with menstrual hygiene products provided by the church.
Arriving Late
Everyone arrives late occasionally. Holy Communion is used to welcoming latecomers. The “West” door, the large double red door which faces Delmar, is often the less obtrusive entrance, but know that you are welcome however and whenever you arrive!