Rector Transition

Our Parish is in Transition

We are currently in a time of transition, as we discern the calling of our next Rector. This January, our vestry called Interim Rector Earl Mahan, and in March the Discernment Team began the work that will lead Holy Communion in calling our next Rector. Beginning in August we held Congregation Discussion Sessions to discern our mission together - and based on this input, we have published this Parish Profile to tell our story and describe our hopes and dreams for the future.

Discernment Team Update for March 15, 2025

We have exciting news to share with everyone! 

The deadline for applications for the next Rector of Holy Communion is March 15, and the Discernment Team will be meeting with Canon Doris Westfall on March 19, to receive the names of the applicants for our next Rector. 

Once we have the names and all their application material, we will be carefully reviewing it, listening to sermons and watching services, and determining which ones we want to contact for zoom interviews. 

We are grateful for your continuing support and prayers while we begin this next, very important, part of the discernment process.

Discernment Team conveys its core values in a covenant, signed before the congregation in ceremonies on Pentecost Sunday:

“We, the members of the Discernment Team of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion, University City, MO, believe that we have been called together with a sacred mission, to prayerfully discern the movement and work of the Holy Spirit in ourselves, our church, and our community which will guide us in the calling of a Rector to faithfully lead and serve Holy Communion.

We acknowledge that we do not walk this path alone but as part of a committed team which strives to achieve the best for our whole congregation. We recognize this may be a long and, at times, challenging process. As we embark on this sacred journey, we pledge to be led by the following shared principles and core values at every step of the discernment process:

We, the undersigned, covenant with one another and with this community of faith to uphold these principles throughout this process and commit to praying and worshiping regularly while serving joyfully to the glory of God and the benefit of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion.”

Shared Principals and Core Values:

  • We promise to commit our time, talent, and attention fully and consistently to the work of the Discernment Team. We, individually and collectively, commit to working in a timely, thorough manner, always mindful of our sacred task. 

  • We believe that Jesus Christ must be at the center of this process. We will prayerfully listen for God’s will as we engage with our fellow parishioners and each other about our shared hopes, dreams, and vision for the future. We commit to being resilient and optimistic if we encounter any setbacks during this process. 

  • We promise to be honest, humble, and ethical in carrying out this sacred task. We will assume good intentions when working with each other, our fellow parishioners, and all candidates during this discernment process. We commit to holding the committee’s work in confidence, while keeping the Vestry and the congregation informed about our progress throughout the process. 

  • We will listen to the people of Holy Communion carefully and with civility, and strive to accurately reflect the church’s history, present life, and dreams for the future. We promise to operate in a spirit of grace, with flexibility and inclusivity, always being mindful to treat each other, our church community, and all candidates with the dignity, kindness, and respect they deserve. 

  • We will remain open, curious, and deliberate throughout the discernment process. It will only be after quiet, careful, and Christ-centered contemplation that we as a Discernment Team will act in the calling of Holy Communion’s next Rector. 

Shirley Mensah and Jean Parker, Co-chairs; Andrew Wasson, Vestry Liaison; Denise Carpenter, Nancy Donohoo, Anita Donahou, Peter Fairchild, Scott Lunte, Karen Payne, Tyler Schwartz, Michael Stokes, and Alisa Williams.

May 19, 2024  

Introducing our Interim Rector, Fr. Mahan

January 8, 2024 This week we welcome The Rev. Earl Mahan as our Interim Rector.

A Prayer for Times of Transition

God of Love,
You are with us in every transition and change.
As we enter into this new era with excitement and even some anxiety,
we recall your deep compassion, presence, and abounding love.
We thank you for the gifts, talents and skills with which you have blessed us.
We thank you for the experiences that have brought us to this moment.
We thank you for the work of others that gives breadth and depth to our own work.
Be with us as we move forward, rejoicing with you and supporting one another.
We ask this in your Holy Name.
- Joseph P. Shadle

The Vestry’s Charge to the Discernment Team:

The Discernment Committee is tasked with the following sacred duties:

  • Seek God’s guidance with individual and corporate prayer, staying attuned to the movement of the

    Holy Spirit throughout the discernment process.

  • Continue to participate in worship at Holy Communion. You have the prayers and support of your

    fellow parishioners as well as the staff and vestry, all of whom have a vested interest in your


  • Be committed to the work involved. Be present at all meetings either in person or online.

  • Allow plenty of time to listen deeply. Have an open mind and a willingness to sit in the tension of

    diverse opinions. Aim to work in harmony, navigating all differences with civil discourse, dignity,

    and respect.

  • Have a discerning mind and a loving heart. Make decisions by keeping in mind what is best for

    the future of Holy Communion.

  • Hold the committee’s work and discussions in strictest confidence.

  • Keep the vestry informed on a regular basis through the vestry liaison.

  • Gather information to describe Holy Communion including strengths, weaknesses, vision and

    mission honestly and accurately as reflected in its history, present life and our dreams for the future.

  • Include the entire congregation, clergy and staff through surveys, meetings, small group discussions

    and one-on-one conversations.

  • Reach out to neighbors and nearby institutions for their input.

  • Develop a congregational profile to present the information you have gathered and detail our

    needs and ministry goals.

  • Request assistance and support from the Diocese as needed.

  • Based on your work discerning and creating the congregational portfolio, seek out candidates

    likely to be a good fit for Holy Communion.

  • With support from the diocesan transition officer, identify qualified candidates eligible for consideration.

  • Work together as a team to learn about the candidates and get to know them well. Using the tools

    and support available, discuss and contemplate the qualities of each candidate, what gifts they

    would bring and how they might contribute to God’s call to Holy Communion.

  • Select the best candidate and present that person to the Vestry for approval.

On behalf of the congregation, the vestry commits our prayers, support and any participation you request

for the holy task you are about to undertake.