Through baptism one becomes sacramentally a member of Christ’s Body, the Church. Baptism is not agreeing to an intellectual proposition; nor is it joining a club or social organization. Baptism is the sign by which we say, "You are made in the image of God. You are God's beloved, and with you, God is well pleased." Baptism is the sign of our incorporation into God's family, and our initiation into the lifelong work of building God's kingdom.
In the Episcopal Church we baptize infants, children and adults.
In the service of baptism, the whole church community joins in welcoming a new member into the body of Christ. Baptism is a corporate act appropriately administered within the primary service of the church, as the gathered community worships. Infants are usually baptized during the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service on specific feast days (see below). Baptismal vows are made on behalf of infants or young children by their parents and sponsors (godparents). Older children and adults make their own promises. Older children and adults at Holy Communion are usually baptized in the context of the Easter Vigil liturgy, late on the night before Easter.
Baptism Schedule 2024-2025
November 3, 2024 All Saints Sunday
January 12, 2025 Baptism of Jesus
Saturday, April 19, 2025 The Easter Vigil (late evening, best for older kids and adults)
April 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25, June 1, 2025 Sundays in the Season of Easter
June 8, 2025 The Feast of Pentecost
October 19, 2025 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Bishop's Visitation)
Baptism Preparation
We make individual arrangements to help prepare youth 16 and younger for baptism.
Baptism rehearsal occurs 45 minutes before the service. The person to be baptized, family members and sponsors are expected to attend. This is a time to learn when you stand up, move, and to answer any last minute questions.
Click here to read through the service of baptism, including the promises made by parents and godparents on behalf of children.
Questions? Contact a member of our clergy team.
“You are sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked as Christ’s own for ever.”